Find Me a Roomy Home (Poem)

Me in my great uncle’s house searching for apartment in December 2018

Good evening!

It is not so easy to find an approved home. If you know what good is and can help the homeless people, you are good and kind. Here, let me sing my “Find Me a Roomy Home “:

I search and search for a roomy home 
I know I should search five homes a day
Cos rent is kept going up and up
While I wait for a call from realtor, I fill the hot tea in my cup

How I search for a roomy home
By newspaper, google search, and any research
I have to keep my search and an eye on a new home
So I search, search and search

You never understand why I need a roomy home
Well, you don’t need to understand
Cos you don’t give me a sod
To the hell that claim to be a housing assistant but fraud
Let me be feeling free to live in a roomy place
Let me enjoy my peace
I don’t play games with you all
I have kept my balance I don’t fall

So, find me a roomy home
Or, you don’t give a damn about this poem

I hope you are considering this lyrical poem and have a great weekend. Light & Love 💖❤️, Loi

Published by liveloi

Hi, my name is Loiriam. I am Buffalo native. Now trapping in the southern state. I am an Ecumenical Christian. I read the Bible and grow in the relationship with Jesus. I am a poetess, I write poetry. My poetry is on Poetrypoem and Poetizer sites. I am a nature lover. I explore and observe the nature. I let my thoughts and expressions pour out to my journal notebooks. Also, I sketch to my sketch diary. Basically, I like chilling and doing something To be the truth, I really can say much about myself through my journals that I recorded. "Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart."~Psalm 37:4

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