What 3 Things God Want to Give You? (Prose)

Good evening! God wants to give you three things. What are these? 1. Continual guidance 2. Good News 3. Material needs. God will guide you as He guided His people with the weather news. When you encounter Jesus, please share this Good News with the world. Because of they really need Jesus. Do you reallyContinue reading “What 3 Things God Want to Give You? (Prose)”

Seeing JESUS film – Deaf Mission

Good evening! Tonight I went to see JESUS film-Deaf Mission. It was touching and inspiring. This deaf movie is based on Jesus’s message from the Holy Bible. There is this film that has Closed-Caption for the hearing people who don’t know ASL sign language. When I entered the theatre, I didn’t see my church people.Continue reading “Seeing JESUS film – Deaf Mission”

Need Three Conversions (Prose)

Good evening! You need three conversions: 1. To be converted to Christ 2. To be converted to His Church 3. To be converted to His Cause Passionately pray to God is the best way. Pray this prayer: God, please give me wisdom in order to fulfil my calling. Help me bring honor to Your nameContinue reading “Need Three Conversions (Prose)”

Be Open to God (Prose)

Good evening! Will you like to hear the miracle story? Jesus told his disciples to heal the sick, raise the dead and preach the gospel. They did exactly what Jesus told them to do. They must have been very shocked at this result. They were open to God.  When you need God, be open toContinue reading “Be Open to God (Prose)”

Nation Can Be Reformed (Prose)

Good evening! How can a nation be reformed? Evangelism to be shared. No paganism can ever describe truth. Because it does not seem the truth. So, paganism can descend, and the nation can be reformed.  Nation reforms to peace, with God, with other people, and with ourselves. This peace comes from God. Nation can beContinue reading “Nation Can Be Reformed (Prose)”

Repentance (Prose)

Good evening! I am praying for people who do evil things to change their hearts. These people need to repent. Because of God, Jesus is a wonderful news. This repentance is vital for spiritual life, growth, and transformation. Evil people need to change their hearts. How?  Share Psalms 73:1-14 with the lost souls, pray forContinue reading “Repentance (Prose)”

God is Always Good

Good mornin’, Readers! Let’s believe that God is always good! Having absolute confidence in the goodness of God, not because of our circumstances but in spite of them. We experience the goodness of God in the midst of great suffering. As a result of our difficult situations we follow Jesus’ example and do good asContinue reading “God is Always Good”

How I Develop Intimacy with My True God

Good r’sing, Readers! It’s been a while to post a new entry on this blog. How was your week? Mine was some stress and enjoy the day with my son and family. My life and my church, the ability to do what God is saying in the Bible, and how I develop intimacy with myContinue reading “How I Develop Intimacy with My True God”